OK Go - This Too Shall Pass - Rube Goldberg Machine version - Official Posted: 20 Jul 2011 11:24 AM PDT | From the new album "Of the Blue Colour of the Sky" available at http://www.okgo.net/store OK Go on Tour http://www.okgo.net/shows/ Directed by James Frost, OK Go and Syyn Labs. Produced by Shirley Moyers. The official video for the recorded version of "This Too Shall Pass" off of the album "Of the Blue Colour of the Sky". The video was filmed in a two story warehouse, in the Echo Park neighborhood of Los Angeles, CA. The "machine" was designed and built by the band, along with members of Syyn Labs ( http://syynlabs.com/ ) over the course of several months. There is an in-depth behind-the-scenes look at the warehouse here: http://www.okgo.net/this-too-shall-pass-rube-goldberg-machine/ OK Go thanks State Farm for making this video possible. | Views: 28394471 147102 ratings | Time: 03:54 | More in Music |
2D Photography Rube Goldberg Posted: 20 Jul 2011 10:49 AM PDT | http://2dphotography.ca/blog/2011/07/rube-goldberg/ - This is our Photography-themed Rube Goldberg Machine. We hope you all enjoy the clip! Watch our video explaining some of the process of getting this video done here: http://youtu.be/qfrmTN0Ly94 You can watch the teasers we put out in the months leading up to our Rube Goldberg Machine here: Teaser #1: http://youtu.be/1Z-yvoslbn4 Teaser #2: http://youtu.be/M-4qPNObTcI Teaser #3: http://youtu.be/s_MrvNUUvgY Special thanks to everyone who helped make this video possible!! Check out the blog post above for more information. | Views: 671304 14977 ratings | Time: 04:13 | More in Science & Technology |
Honda - The Cog Posted: 20 Jul 2011 10:49 AM PDT | This WebRidesTV video is a commercial made by Honda to showcase the Honda Accord. It is a two minute video that shows Honda Accord parts interacting with each other similar to a Rube Goldberg machine. | Views: 1931376 8396 ratings | Time: 02:00 | More in Autos & Vehicles |
Rube Goldberg Officeplace Contraption Posted: 20 Jul 2011 10:47 AM PDT | A friend and I decided to spend a night at my workplace assembling a contraption using supplies from the supply room and my basement. We started at 11p.m. on 6/26/05, and finished around 5:30a.m. This is take eight. Six of the eight worked. UPDATE: Thank you for all the views, everyone! A few quick answers: -Haha, I didn't get fired, this was done during non-business hours. -The heavy breathing is me starting to laugh and trying my hardest to stifle it...I was one second away from busting out the whole time. | Views: 1974346 6436 ratings | Time: 00:52 | More in Entertainment |
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